Technology & Tools I Use
Technology I use in my Calgary real estate business to better serve my clients and ensure my time is best used for my client's needs.
1) The iPad
The real estate business is changing quickly, and use of products like the iPad are a great example of this change. My contracts are signed on the iPad, my buyers are given an iPad when we are out looking at properties to help them organize their thoughts/notes, and I am completely mobile with this device. I can provide clients and other professionals associated with a transaction any of the information at any time.
2) A Virtual Assistant
My assistant works for me from Manila in the Philippines. He is an excellent worker that is dedicated exclusively to my Calgary real estate business for 40 hours a week. The benefit to my clients is that he is constantly monitoring inquires on my listings, as well as watching their presence and how they appear online. I have never had production from an assistant like I have now, and I have never had systems and processes that work as well as they do now.
3) The iPhone
I'm available to my clients 24/7 (yes I mean that), and much of my time is booked and organized on the iPhone. It also acts as a tool to access lockboxes for showings, and I also use it to create my Calgary real estate video blog where I offer suggestions and ideas to consumers.